Makerere University Cassava Image Dataset
Tusubira, Francis Jeremy; Nakatumba-Nabende, Joyce; Babirye, Claire; Okao-Okujja, Geoffrey; Mutebi, Chodrine; Mugalu, Ben Wycliff; Nabagereka, Deborah; Namanya, Gloria
About the Dataset
The dataset was created to provide an open-source and well-curated image dataset showing diseased and healthy cassava leaf images from Uganda. This will be used by data scientists, researchers, the wider machine learning community, and experts from other domains to conduct research into automating the identification and modeling of cassava crop disease in Uganda and potentially in other regions too.
Previously published datasets no sites like Kaggle have had issues with class mislabeling and real-world application for infield usage due to the limitation with laboratory settings where the images were captured. There was a need to come up with a high-quality and well-labeled real-world dataset that clearly showcases images with Cassava Mosaic Disease and Cassava Brown Streak disease taken in actual farmer gardens.